Email API

Send and Receive SMS by Email

One integration option is to send the text message by email. You can use any emailing functionality that you wish e.g. the popular FormMail script, Java mail extension, ASP mail capabilities, PHP mail APIs, or any other. You simply need to compose the message in your application, and ensure that its length does not exceed the maximum length set by your account options.

Be aware that the email address that you use to send the text message must be added to your account as one of the permitted senders. Send the email to the mobile phone number followed by '' (for example: You can include more than one recipient if you wish.

Any replies and delivery reports will be sent back to the email address that was used to send the message.

Delivery Confirmation

When the message has reached its final state (i.e. Delivered, expired, etc) we will send an email that has the format shown below. Note that "447807908266" will be replaced with the actual mobile phone number that the message was sent to.

To: <Email address used to send the original text message>
Subject: Message to 447807908266 delivered
Body: You sent a text message beginning "This is a test message"
Time: 17:08 08/01/2009
Result: Delivered at 17:08 08/01/2009



If the recipient of the message sends a reply, then we will send an email with the format shown below. Note that "447807908266" will be replaced with the actual mobile phone number that the message was sent to.

To: <Email address used to send the original text message>
Subject: This is the reply to...
Body: This is the reply to the test message that was sent earlier.