
Bespoke Solutions

We pride ourselves in developing services to meet our clients’ exact needs, so if our standard applications are not what you are looking for then please get in touch.

No matter how complex you consider your requirements to be, we will discuss options with you and we will customise existing services to achieve them. In the majority of instances we undertake this type of work at no extra cost to you.

Below are just some examples of bespoke projects we have completed on behalf of our customers. Explore our case studies section to find out more:

Customisations in Practice

When your support engineers start a new shift they don’t always know which issues have been resolved and which haven’t. In order simplify processes and streamline services, we have made some configuration changes to our standard Email to SMS service so that the delivery information is included in the Sender ID parameters. This means your engineers will know exactly when server alerts were received, and will be able to prioritise jobs accordingly.

Send Using Your Own Mobile Number

Using our bespoke software, you can configure the sender ID to be your mobile number. This is useful if you want your replies to be sent directly to your handset, instead of your email or online account because you are out of the office.

Payment Models

When you open an account with us, the default service allows you to buy credit in advance which is debited from your account every time you send a message.

However there are instances when you want people without an account to be able to contact you, for email forwarding because you are out of the office, for example, without incurring any costs. Our "Recipient Pays" service ensures that all texts sent to your mobile are debited from your account, not the sender's, even if they are not registered on our system.

Our "Recipient Pays" model means that you can receive texts from anyone, and the sender does not need to be registered with us.